A coworker keeps telling me that I should run for office. I tell her that I would confuse the hell out everyone ...
1) Bring back AFDC but require drug testing (including nicotine!). If you need help providing food and shelter for your children, then you do not have money for drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. If your “friends” can provide you with drugs, let them provide your children with food and diapers. REAL birth control (not just condoms) should be encouraged and rewarded (can’t mandate that). No increases for additional children.
2) Provide reasonable medical coverage for anyone who wants it. I will gladly pay 10 or 15% of my gross for quality healthcare and I will pay it to whoever will provide it whether it is Uncle Sam or Baptist Medical. Of course I define “quality healthcare” as what is good for me not what is good for some bean counter playing the percentages.
3) An armed society is a polite society (RIP RLH) It’s called the Bill of Rights for a reason people. Just as children can be taught to cut their own meat, they can be taught to handle a gun properly. Even more importantly, they can be taught to leave the thing alone without a responsible adult in charge.
4) There should always be a responsible adult in charge. Anyone not responsible is not an adult and cannot have adult privileges. Adulthood is a state of mind that can happen as early as 16 or later then 61. If you can hold down a job and pay your bills, you are an adult. Until you can accomplish those 2 things, you are just a child in an adult size body and you have the rights of a child.
5) The goal of schooling is gainful employment and responsible adulthood. You only need a 6th grade education (or less) to shovel shit. Don’t want to shovel shit? Prove it. Learn something useful. The catch is you must prove that you want it and that you are willing to work for it. Of course that means that schools need to offer useful skills. Not everyone needs to understand Shakespeare’s plays, how to find the sine and cosine, or how to dissect a frog. Everyone does need to know how to prepare a resume, speak coherently, balance a checkbook, buy and cook a nutritious meal, and what is REALLY involved in a 30 yr mortgage. I figure if you start teaching those skills in 7th grade, students can advance through the grades on merit until they have learned all they need to know for the job they want. Going back to learn new skills should always be an option – provided of course you can demonstrate that you have the ability and the desire.
6) The government can stay the hell out of my house and not even go near my bedroom let alone my womb (actually, my daughters’ and nieces’ wombs as mine is permanently out of business). My body and my home are not subject to legislation. Period. End of discussion.
7) If 2 people want to get married and enjoy all the financial and legal perks, let 'em. Marriage is a binding legal contract between 2 families. The church merely provides the backdrop and the blessing. If the church does not want to bless your union, find a different church. Or skip the church altogether.
8) Speaking of marriage as a “binding legal contract”, why limit it to just 2 people? When it comes to the daily care of children, wouldn’t 3 or 4 parents be even better?
If you want real change in 2012, put the working class into office and get rid of those who have never tried to figure out how to pay rent and buy food while hovering just above the poverty line. If you think that someone like me could make a real difference then pledge your support now. I promise I can't do any worse than the current (or most recent) crop of clowns and miscreants.
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